
Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Life is bugging, but....

Ever wondered how - if you work in software development - your life and thoughts are filled with bugs. They are there everywhere, hidden inside every piece of the Goddamn code, making life difficult for everyone. To bug is to pester or to annoy. So technically bugs get their name from that little insect or microorganism which infects human beings and animals causing that irritating disease. Software bugs are in no way less threatening than their biological counterparts. While the biological ones drive down ones' physical energy levels, the software bugs make life a living hell for the person who develops the software, the one who tests it and last but not the least the user himself... Imagine a world without bugs, so peaceful and serene... There would be no time wasted in solving those and it would spare many a broken heads and punctured noses. But hey, will we still be able to retain our jobs if there are zero bugs??? On second thought, the answer is a 'No'... So maybe bugs drive employment in the country and they help me earn a living.. They aint too bad after all.......